Glyconutrient & Glycoscience Validation
Glycomics is the total knowledge about sugars and how they function. Glycobiology
is the study of how sugars impact living systems. That means how they affect biological structures and contribute to human
Science and medicine are starting to realize the power of specific micronutrients
and nutrition. Those companies that are able to validate the research with science and results will revolutionize how we the
people will restore health.
The links and information provided on this web page are not intended for you
to read and research all the information but rather to validate the efficacy of the research and demonstrate the significance
of this essential technology.
The science on glyconutrients and
glycobiology is so clear!
In the 21st Century we have had conditions that did not even exist when our ancestors
walked this beautiful earth.
Today we are plagued by various diseases and disorders that continue to rise at alarming rates!
In the year 2000 a group of medical doctors, researchers and medical professionals from the Royal
Society of Medicine ( gathered at the scientific review of glycobiology.
During that scientific review the medical professionals stated:
Certain carbohydrates (glyconutrients) are vital for the correct structure, function relationship
of the following:
- Cells
- Membranes
- Enzymes
- Hormones
- Signaling
- Messenger molecules
- Tumor spread
- And all biological systems
- Every cell in your entire body
They also stated “Every Major Disease Involves Glyconjugates (glycoproteins)” Since your
body has over 60 trillion cells and every cell has these glycoconjugates on the surface that is very significant.
Every single cell in the human body is coated with glycoforms (sugar chains). You have 50 –
60 Trillion cells in your body!
Science is validating that virtually every disease has altered and missing structures of glycoforms
on the cell of the person affected with the specific disease. Where a healthy person has the proper structure and assembly
of glycoforms coating their cells.
Your body will repair itself, regenerate itself, restore itself, and defend itself as long as you
provide your body with the right tools it requires to function correctly.
You need to understand it’s not about curing disease it’s about restoring proper function
to your systems.
That’s what wellness is all about
Every cell in your body needs glyconutrients
Because these sell surface glycoproteins (glycoforms) are not detectable by the naked eye, they were
not fully understood until they were researched with a scientific instrument called the electron microscope that uses a beam
of highly energetic electrons to examine objects on a very fine scale.
As you can see, the hair like cell surface structures interact and communicate
with other cell surfaces. |
Electron microscope photograph of cells and their glycoforms. | |
This is how life exists through cellular recognition and communication.
Your life begins as two cells, a sperm cell and an egg cell. This is how a sperm cell recognizes
an egg cell.
From these two cells through cellular messages, DNA, RNA your life was created. You developed heart
cells, lung cells, eye tissue, bone cells and all of you vital bodily functions all through cellular communication.
This is how insulin is carried to the receptor site, how your immune cells (white blood cells) recognize
viruses, bacteria and cancer cells, how cuts heal and many other vital to life functions.
That is the significance of cellular communication. The disruption if this process has been costly,
we not only have under active and overactive immune systems we have mis-communicated immune systems.
Without the correct balance of glyconutrients and other micronutrients cells are unable to create
properly structured glycoforms and the result is a breakdown in cellular communication and immune system response.
Depleted cells are unable to defend them selves properly so cell structures can be damaged and are
not effective at defending and regenerating. In this weakened state cells can not communicate effectively compromising your
bodies ability to identify problems.
The significance of these cell surface glycoforms was first published in a Medical publication called
Harpers Biochemistry in 1996. Chapter 56, entitled glycoproteins is devoted to the study of these 8 specific glycoproteins.
The very next issue, the 25th edition, included the significance of the glycoforms
in every single chapter. "glycobiology" - The science of cellular communication with the eight carbohydrates or "sugars" is
now well established. |
Robert K. Murray, world-renowned biochemist and author of Harpers Biochemistry now speaks, lectures
and educates people and medical professionals on the significance of a specific dietary blend of glyconutrients and the impact
it is having on human health.
Because of the implications in human health, this discovery of cell surface glycoproteins and essential
glyconutrients won four Nobel prizes in medicine in the past few years.
They were awarded to Medical research professionals
for their discoveries in this emerging field called glycobiology.
Year after year, prestigious medical and scientific institutes and publications validate and proclaim
the significance of this innovative science called glycobiology. This invaluable research has shown that the body communicates
in specific ways.
The study of glycomics is one of the top 10 technologies proclaimed by leading researchers that will
change our world! They defined the study of glycomics as the study of glyconutrients, indicating that if you don't have glycosylation, you don't have life! Why? Because it is vital to the structure and function of every cell
and organ in your body.
The March issue of Science magazine 2001 was dedicated to the science behind the
discovery and technology of Glycobiology. Science magazine is published by Stanford University for the American Association
for the Advancement of Science. "Saving Lives with Sugar" is among several articles in this specially focused issue of Science. |
In July 2002 a publication called Scientific American by Thomas Maeder titled Sweet Medicine. |
Recognizing the importance of sugars in health and disease, increasing numbers of researchers
in academia and the biotechnology industry have recently stepped up efforts to learn the details of their structures and activities
and to translate those findings into new therapeutic agents. Sugars modify many proteins and fats on cell surfaces and participate
in such biological processes as immunity and cell-to-cell communication. They also play a part in a range of diseases, from
viral infections to cancer.
Earlier in that same year January 22, 2002 the same publication Scientific American published an
article 'Changing Cancer Cells' "Surface Sugars" can Inhibit Tumor Growth. The key to halting cancer cells may lie in their
sugary coats, scientists say. Carbohydrate molecules surround all cells and help them to identify and interact with one another.
Read the article online at
A report from the National Academy of Sciences in the year 2000 said that our foods contain less
than half the nutrient value and content we once thought.
Today the average person only gets 2 of the 8 required glyconutrients required to supply your body
what it requires to make an optimal amount of glycoproteins with the right structure and function of all your cells.
We do not get the nutrients we require through our diet alone in this day and age. To fully understand
why these nutrients are missing refer to a book called Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease by Maurice E. Shils
When most of us think of sugar, we think only of table sugar from sugarcane, which consists of two
saccharides, glucose and fructose. The eight essential saccharides our bodies need are mannose, glucose, galactose, xylose,
fucose (not to be confused with fructose), N- acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid. These
eight essential saccharides compose the main focus of Sugars That Heal. Only two of these essential sugars, glucose (found
in plants and table sugar) and galactose (found in milk products and certain pectin's), are common in our diets. Although
fructose, found in fruits and table sugar, is also a part of most diets, it’s not an essential saccharide.
So we must find other ways to obtain these nutrients. They are found in various plant sources in
countries throughout the world and many of those plants we simply do not have access to, nor are they something that you would
typically eat.
So obtaining these glyconutrients through a supplement is the simplest and most economic way to put
these vital nutrients back into your diet.
To date there are over 40,000 publications on the research of glycobiology and the study of these
essential glyconutrients. By visiting the national library of medicine at and conducting a pub med search on any of the terms listed on this web page you will find thousands of research papers on
this topic of cellular communication.
One of the best scientific resources on the internet today validating and consolidating the immense
amount of research and scientific studies on this topic of glycobiology is an award winning web site called
Conforming to their internet policies they ask that direct links are not provided to their website.
Please copy and paste the above listed web address
Once you are at this website you will find articles that are written so the average person can understand
and relate to the information provided. There are many technical scientific articles for medical professionals and scientific
There you will also find many links to scientific studies, references to research conducted on glyconutrients
and glycobiology.
There are too many articles and scientific references to list on this web page alone.
Additional links:
Continued Medical Education for Glycoscience:
Oxford journals of glycobiology: &
Society for glycobiology:
Glycobiology resources:
Terminology about glyconutrients:
Today it seems that people are doing one of two things:
1. They are doing nothing (Many people end up with chronic diseases, poor health or simply getting
sick all the time)
2. They are taking control of their health including the use of a dietary blend of glyconutrients and
Optimize your health with essential
nutrients your body requires to
health and vitality