General Disclaimer
This site and other documentation or publications
belonging to or submitted by Limu and You is informational and not advisory and is not to constitute any health, legal, tax,
or business advice. No person or entity should act or forbear any act based on the information contained in this website or
any documentation provided by Limu and You.
You should always contact an attorney, tax advisor, CPA or doctor authorized
to practice in your State for specific legal, tax, business or health advice. All information and materials provided or managed
by Limu and you, are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Any owner, member, governor, manager and/or agent providing
information is not responsible for inaccuracies with respect to such information and materials and nothing in this site constitutes
any type of advice by Limu and you or by its owners, members, governors, managers or agents.
Any earnings written,
expressed or implied on this site are not a direct reflection of what everyone can earn. A person's income is dependent
upon their own individual effort, desire, and experience and not to be taken as a promise or guarantee as to what you can
Health Disclaimer
The information on Limu and you, is intended for informational purposes only.
testimonials contained on Limu and you, are the opinions of the people using Limu and are intended for information purposes
The information is NOT intended to serve as health, medical, or other professional advice related
to individual situations.
Do not under any circumstances alter any medical treatment without the permission
of you medical care provider.
All matters concerning physical and mental health should be supervised by a
health practitioner knowledgeable in treating that particular condition. The publisher of Limu and you does not directly or
indirectly dispense medical advice and does not prescribe any remedies or assume responsibility for those who choose to treat
themselves. FDA regulations prohibit the use of therapeutic or medical claims in conjunction with the sale of any product
not approved by the FDA.